• Yeux : Bruns
  • Cheveux : Bruns
  • Taille : 6'03"
  • Poids (en livres) : 185
  • Groupe sanguin : A Rh+
  • CMV : -
  • Origine ethnique : Caucasian, German, Polish, Scandinavian, Scottish
  • Ascendance juive : Non
  • Éducation/profession : M.S. Computer Science / B.S. Physics and Computer Science / Software Engineer
  • Grossesse confirmée : Oui
  • Informed Consent Form

Résultats des tests génétiques

Description du Donneur

Daulton is tall and has a slender frame; he maintains his physique with long-distance bike rides and rock climbing. He has a fair complexion but tans easily with his time in the sun. Daulton has an oval face, a narrow nose, and cute dimples. He has straight, short, and styled brown hair that compliments his cheerful brown eyes. Daulton has high cheekbones, full lips, and a kind genuine smile.

Daulton has obtained his degrees in physics and computer sciences and is currently a software engineer. He is naturally inquisitive and enjoys puzzles of all kinds, such as taking things apart and putting them back together again, studying interpersonal relationships, and how to make the world a more efficient place. Daulton is pragmatic, independent, well-traveled, and a true intellectual. He is a wonderful addition to our donor program!