• Yeux : Bruns
  • Cheveux : Noirs
  • Taille : 6'00"
  • Poids (en livres) : 170
  • Groupe sanguin : A Rh+
  • CMV : +
  • Origine ethnique : Asian, Korean
  • Ascendance juive : Non
  • Éducation/profession : B.S. Material Science and Engineering / Student
  • Grossesse confirmée : Oui

Résultats des tests génétiques

Description du Donneur

Minoru has a beautiful creamy complexion and full dark red lips. He has very thick dark hair and dark eyes that sparkle with warmth and kindness. He is tall and lean. Minoru dresses in a relaxed comfortable fashion which usually includes a t-shirt and sandals paired with blue jeans.

Minoru has an incredibly wide range of talents and interests. He is an avid hiker and spent much of his childhood hiking in different mountains.  He loves to try new things from building models to learning musical instruments. Minoru is very intelligent and excels at math, which is great for an engineer! He is overflowing with self confidence and is driven to learn. He strives to improve himself and the world around him for the greater good.

We asked Minoru why he wanted to become a donor and he replied, ”Better question is why not? why not help other people by becoming a donor? At first the prospect of donating my sperm sounded awkward, but after some thought I realized that it's simple exchange between what others need and what I want. I liked the idea that other people who can not have child otherwise can have a child of their own through the program.”