• Yeux : Bleu
  • Cheveux : Brun foncé
  • Taille : 6'02"
  • Poids (en livres) : 200
  • Groupe sanguin : O Rh+
  • CMV : -
  • Origine ethnique : Caucasian, English, French, Irish, Italian, Native American
  • Ascendance juive : Non
  • Éducation/profession : B.A. Business Management / Personal Trainer
  • Grossesse confirmée : Oui

Description du Donneur

Jerome is quite handsome with thick dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He is tall and well built due to his healthy and active lifestyle. Jerome has full red lips and a captivating smile that grabs attention.  He dresses in casual yet fashionable style and is always well put together.

This donor is currently a personal trainer and served in the military for a decade. Jerome enjoys helping others obtain their fitness goals and to pass on his hard work ethic to his clients.

Jerome is always polite and kind to our staff. He is well traveled and can converse on many subjects. Jerome is laid back but is eager to prove his worth and excel at any task given to him.