• Yeux : Marron / Vert
  • Cheveux : Bruns
  • Taille : 5'09"
  • Poids (en livres) : 195
  • Groupe sanguin : AB Rh+
  • CMV : -
  • Origine ethnique : Caucasian, German, Italian
  • Ascendance juive : Non
  • Éducation/profession : B.S. in Kinesiology with Emphasis in Exercise Science / Personal Trainer
  • Grossesse confirmée : Non

Résultats des tests génétiques

Description du Donneur

Altair stands at 5'9" with a head full of bouncy, luscious brown curls that capture attention. His round, expressive hazel eyes and straight, joyful smile light up every room he enters, making his presence utterly delightful. Add to that his charming light freckles, and you have a person who radiates energy and charm.

As a self-employed personal trainer, Altair is driven by big dreams of owning his own gym one day. He's always on the move, pursuing his love of physical activity through surfing and rock climbing. With a deep passion for Italian cuisine, Altair hopes to visit Rome to explore his grandparents' heritage. Whether he's chasing his dreams or sharing a laugh, Altair is an unforgettable bundle of energy and joy.