• Eyes: Brown/Green
  • Hair: Light Brown
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight (lbs): 180
  • Blood: B Rh+
  • CMV: +
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian, Mixed European, Spanish
  • Jewish Ancestry: No
  • Education/Occupation: B.S. System Engineering / Warehouse Area Manager
  • Live Birth / Pregnancy Confirmed: Yes
  • Informed Consent Form

Test Results

Donor Description

Vargas is handsome and captivating with a muscular build and a tidy appearance. Vargas's short hair frames his face, highlighting his tan skin and well-proportioned masculine features which include a square chin and strong jawline. Vargas's athleticism shines through not only in his physique but in his passion for sports. Having played multiple sports in high school, he further pursued his love for football by becoming a D1 athlete in college. Even beyond his collegiate career, he continues to embrace an active lifestyle, engaging in activities such as hiking, golfing, swimming, basketball, and football. These pursuits not only keep him physically fit but also fuel his competitive spirit and desire for constant improvement.

Beneath his impressive exterior, Vargas possesses admirable qualities that make him stand out as an individual. He is humble, and modest, and values honesty and loyalty above all. His optimistic outlook on life permeates his interactions, and he approaches challenges with a determined and hardworking mindset. Enthusiasm radiates from him when he is engaged in projects that excite him, showcasing his passion and dedication. His professional journey led him to serve as a proud naval officer for seven years. He takes immense pride in his time in Afghanistan, where he played a key role in building essential infrastructure such as roads, wells, hospitals, and bridges for tribes in need. Currently, Vargas holds the position of an area manager for a logistics company, a role that allows him to utilize his leadership skills and expertise. Looking ahead, Vargas envisions a future filled with love and family. He aspires to marry and raise children of his own, drawing inspiration from his own upbringing in a large, tight-knit family with five siblings. Vargas embodies both physical strength and strength of character!