Showing 241 - 260 of 306 results.
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Rowan (12955) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 6'02" Weight: 165 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Irish, Norwegian
Education/Occupation: B.A. Elementary Education / Bike Shop Service Manager

Rudolph (10733) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 5'10" Weight: 150 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Caucasian, German, Norwegian
Education/Occupation: Two Years of Music Theory and Composition completed / Pool Repair Technician

Saba (12957) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown/Green Hair: Dark Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'08" Weight: 170 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Persian
Education/Occupation: B.S. Finance / Hedge Fund Manager

Sage (10406) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'08" Weight: 150 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, German, Irish, Norwegian, Polish
Education/Occupation: B.S. Engineering / Tutor

Sailor (14253) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue/Green Hair: Dark Brown Blood: B Rh+
Height: 5'09" Weight: 180 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, English
Education/Occupation: B.S. Mechanical Engineering / Naval Aviator

Saint (12374) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown Blood: B Rh+
Height: 6'04" Weight: 170 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Lithuanian, Polish
Education/Occupation: Business Administration / Student

Salah (16026) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: A Rh-
Height: 5'10" Weight: 165 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, German, Lebanese
Education/Occupation: M.D. / Biology B.S. / Medical Resident

Sanjay (12267) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Blood: O Rh+
Height: 6'00" Weight: 158 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Asian, East Indian
Education/Occupation: Bachelor Electronics and Communication / Technical Program Manager

Santiago (12775) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'10" Weight: 219 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Mix, Caucasian, English, German, Hispanic, Mexican, Native American, Spanish
Education/Occupation: B.A. Sports Enterprise / Student

Seager (16042) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue Hair: Light Brown Blood: B Rh+
Height: 5'05" Weight: 130 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Dutch, English, French-Canadian, German, Greek, Irish, Polish, Portuguese, Scottish, Swedish
Education/Occupation: Enrolled in College / Student

Searl (12760) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Blood: O Rh+
Height: 6'03" Weight: 193 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, French, German, Irish, Norwegian
Education/Occupation: B.S. Political Science / Marketing Manager

Seneca (10493) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown/Green Hair: Brown Blood: B Rh-
Height: 6'02" Weight: 155 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Mix, Anglo-Saxon, Mexican, Norwegian, Portuguese
Education/Occupation: B.S. Mechanical Engineering / Student

Sergio (12680) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'11" Weight: 170 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, German, Italian, Scottish, Spanish
Education/Occupation: B.A. Business - Management Information Systems / Financial Analyst

Shea (12922) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Blood: B Rh+
Height: 5'09" Weight: 140 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Mix, African-American, Caucasian
Education/Occupation: B.S. Business Administration / Customer Service Representative

Sheffield (14266) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown/Green Hair: Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 5'08" Weight: 140 CMV: -
Ethnicity: British, Caucasian
Education/Occupation: B.S. Cognitive Science / Psychometric assistant/Student

Sherwood (12367) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue/Green Hair: Light Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 6'00" Weight: 158 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Caucasian, English, German, Swiss
Education/Occupation: B.A. Music / Real Estate Agent

Shore (10478) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue/Green Hair: Light Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 6'00" Weight: 177 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, German, Irish, Italian
Education/Occupation: B.A. Communications / Student

Singh (12795) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Blood: B Rh+
Height: 5'09" Weight: 180 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Asian, East Indian
Education/Occupation: Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering Bachelor's Degree / Technical Program Manager

Sixten (12679) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue/Green Hair: Blonde Blood: A Rh-
Height: 6'01" Weight: 200 CMV: +
Ethnicity: British, Caucasian, Dutch, French, German, Irish, Scandinavian, Scottish
Education/Occupation: B.S. Computer Information Technology / Business Analyst

Slade (10775) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 5'11" Weight: 190 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Asian, Korean
Education/Occupation: B.S. Military Studies and Sports Security Services / Firefighter

Showing 241 - 260 of 306 results.