Showing 221 - 240 of 305 results.
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Pueo (12954) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Blood: AB Rh+
Height: 5'07" Weight: 185 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Mix, Asian, Filipino, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander
Education/Occupation: B.S. Mechanical Engineering / Product Design Jr. Engineer

Quade (10652) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'11" Weight: 185 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Asian, Korean
Education/Occupation: Dental School in Progress; Bachelor's in Chemistry / Student

Radim (12903) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 6'00" Weight: 170 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Russian, Slavic
Education/Occupation: B.S. Physics / Student

Ranil (14281) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Blood: A Rh+
Height: 6'00" Weight: 200 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Asian, Sri Lankan
Education/Occupation: Business Studies / Hotel Operations Manager

Raul (10459) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Green Hair: Dark Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'10" Weight: 174 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Colombian, Hispanic
Education/Occupation: Doctor of Musical Arts in progress / Teaching Assistant

Raven (14146) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 5'10" Weight: 170 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, English, German, Irish, Scottish
Education/Occupation: A.A.S. Computer Information Systems / Systems Engineer

Reggy (12809) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Green Hair: Blonde Blood: O Rh+
Height: 6'02" Weight: 165 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Caucasian, English, German, Russian, Scottish, Swedish
Education/Occupation: B.A. Economics / Real Estate and Private Equity

Reginald (10753) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'08" Weight: 140 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Italian, Polish
Education/Occupation: B.A. Music Learning and Teaching / University Office Assistant

Remy (10175) – Open ID Donor – New Donor!
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Light Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 5'07" Weight: 180 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Mix, Belgian, Guatemalan, Irish
Education/Occupation: B.A. Journalism / Sports Broadcaster

Rennison (14429) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown/Green Hair: Blonde Blood: A Rh+
Height: 6'01" Weight: 205 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian, Dutch, Irish, Scandinavian
Education/Occupation: B.A. Communication Sciences / Consultant

Renshu (9720) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'05" Weight: 120 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Asian, Chinese
Education/Occupation: B.S. Computer Science / Student

Reo (12416) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Blood: A Rh+
Height: 6'01" Weight: 208 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Asian, Japanese
Education/Occupation: A.A. Degree / Sales

Rex (10146) – Open ID Donor – New Donor!
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown/Green Hair: Dark Brown Blood: B Rh+
Height: 6'00" Weight: 195 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Eastern Eurpoean, English, Filipino, Irish, Scandinavian, Scottish
Education/Occupation: MBA Business / Student

Ricardo (14086) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'09" Weight: 150 CMV: +
Ethnicity: Mexican
Education/Occupation: B.A. Visual Arts / Driver

Richter (14360) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 6'05" Weight: 200 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, German, Norwegian
Education/Occupation: Nursing Student / Lifeguard

Rigby (10721) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown/Green Hair: Dark Brown Blood: AB Rh+
Height: 6'00" Weight: 150 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, German, Irish, Italian
Education/Occupation: A.A. Business Management/Accountancy in Progress / Student / Escalation Specialist

Ringo (12038) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 6'03" Weight: 250 CMV: -
Ethnicity: British, Caucasian, Dutch, English, German
Education/Occupation: B.A. Education/Teaching Certificate / Teacher

Rohit (13018) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Black Hair: Black Blood: B Rh+
Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Asian, Nepali
Education/Occupation: B.S. Computer Science; Enrolled in Flight School / Student in Flight School

Ronnie (10574) – Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown/Green Hair: Dark Brown Blood: O Rh+
Height: 5'09" Weight: 175 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, English, German, Irish
Education/Occupation: B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies / Hospitality

Rowan (12955) Open ID Donor
  • IUI: 0
  • ICI: 0
  • IUI (ART): 0
  • ICI (ART): 0
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Blood: A Rh+
Height: 6'02" Weight: 165 CMV: -
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Irish, Norwegian
Education/Occupation: B.A. Elementary Education / Bike Shop Service Manager

Showing 221 - 240 of 305 results.