• Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Height: 6'00"
  • Weight (lbs): 180
  • Blood: A Rh+
  • CMV: -
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian, Russian
  • Jewish Ancestry: No
  • Education/Occupation: Bachelor of Arts / Self Employed
  • Live Birth / Pregnancy Confirmed: Yes
  • Informed Consent Form

Test Results

Donor Description

Nigel has thick, wavy, black full hair that compliments his fair complexion. He has well-shaped eyebrows, full rosy but subtle cheeks, and pink lips. Nigel has a clean-shaven face that allows to show off his welcoming smile. He is tall donor, standing at 6’1” with a medium build.

Nigel is self-employed or as he says, “Jack of all trades”. He enjoys taking on contracts and being hands on working on things, such as on computers or construction work. During his free time Nigel goes on a hike, camping, or plays music. Fun fact: He plays guitar and has played with plenty of different genre bands like rap and jazz. Nigel’s comfort food is Russian cuisine.