• Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Brown
  • Height: 6'04"
  • Weight (lbs): 185
  • Blood: O Rh+
  • CMV: +
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian, English, German, Irish, Scottish
  • Jewish Ancestry: No
  • Education/Occupation: B.A. Anthropology / Archaeologist, Park Ranger
  • Live Birth / Pregnancy Confirmed: Yes

Test Results

Donor Description

Easton is easily one of our most attractive donors. He is tall with broad shoulders and strong arms. He lifts weights regularly to maintain his great physique. Easton has dark sapphire eyes and medium brown hair that he keeps trimmed very short. He has a big lovely smile with beautiful teeth that he flashes often since Easton is always laughing and having fun. He has a gorgeous creamy complexion with a tiny tint of red on the apples of his cheeks. Easton dresses simply in t-shirts and jeans or khakis.

It is impossible to not enjoy being around Easton. He has a bubbling personality that can draw out a smile and laughter from anyone. He is intelligent and is curious about the world around him. Easton played rugby and wrestled during college and enjoys building things with his hands. He is a well rounded and happy individual. We asked Easton why he wanted to be a donor and he said, “I want to be a donor for the same reason I have given blood in the past. While being a sperm donor may not save someone's life it will however help to create one that will be part of a loving family.”