• Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Brown
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight (lbs): 156
  • Blood: AB Rh-
  • CMV: +
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian, Colombian
  • Jewish Ancestry: No
  • Education/Occupation: B.S. Physics / Student
  • Live Birth / Pregnancy Confirmed: Yes

Test Results

Donor Description

Octavio has very striking facial features, with a handsome face. He has a well defined chin and jaw line. His complexion is flawless and his medium skin tone is nicely complimented with a slight rosy hue in his cheeks.  He has dark eyes and light brown hair that is full and wavy. Octavio dresses in jeans and t-shirts, sometimes with a trendy hoodie thrown over top.

Octavio is driven and intelligent. He enjoys reading and writing in his spare time as well as playing soccer. He can be a little quiet and shy at first, but opens up after a few interactions.

Octavio is very good natured and empathetic. We asked him what he was most proud of and Octavio said, “It’s hard to say one thing that I’m particularly proud of, but I can honestly say that I’m just generally proud of who I am. I have my strengths and I have my shortcomings, but I’ve learned to embrace who I am and learn from my mistakes and experiences. I’m proud of my ability to observe and understand, as well as my ability to love and live. I consider myself a good person and I take pride in knowing that all the people closest to me love and respect me.”  We highly recommend Octavio as a genetic donor for your family.