• Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Light Brown
  • Height: 5'09"
  • Weight (lbs): 182
  • Blood: O Rh-
  • CMV: -
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian, Irish
  • Jewish Ancestry: No
  • Education/Occupation: B.S. Mechanical Engineering / Senior Product Manager
  • Live Birth / Pregnancy Confirmed: Yes

Test Results

Donor Description

Halton is a lively man with a sparkle in his baby-blue eyes. His light brown hair, streaked with specks of red, perfectly matches his well-kept beard. Always sporting a genuine smile that reveals his straight teeth, Halton brings a warm, friendly vibe wherever he goes. He enjoys sharing a laugh or telling a good story, his charismatic presence lights up the room!

Halton is a project manager extraordinaire at a bustling aerospace engineering company. A lifelong Shotokan karate enthusiast, he’s been perfecting his moves since childhood. Fun fact: Halton and his entire family are proud lefties, making them a unique bunch! He's also fluent in sign language, adding another layer to his communication skills. You can often find him exploring the underwater world— as scuba diving is his favorite sport. Halton has a knack for adventure and a love for precision, making him quite the Renaissance guy.